TM 5-3815-224-14&P
MAINTENANCE CONCEPT: Operators shall possess an MOS of 62F and maintenance will be performed by a
62B MOS. This is a Non-Developmental Item (NDI) and as such, there is no maintenance engineering effort on the part of
the Army. However, consistent with maintenance policy and procedures of Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services
(PMCS) and Maintenance Allocation Charts (MAC), the level of repair assigned to maintenance and associated tasks
identified in the MAC should be reflective of training and repair part support for similar items of equipment in the inventory
for unit through depot maintenance. Maintenance will be performed at the level authorized by the MAC and TOE/MTOE
mission statements.
MAINTENANCE PLAN: Maintenance capabilities will be governed by the MAC and will be tailored to
accommodate the complexity of the maintenance requirement.
UNIT MAINTENANCE: Unit Maintenance is performed by the operator, a crew or unit maintenance
personnel as shown in the MAC of the appropriate TM, commercial manual or this publication. Unit Maintenance normally
includes inspection by sight and touch of easily accessible components including; lubrication, cleaning, preserving,
tightening, repair/replacement of parts (generally within two hours) and fault isolation using Built in Test/Built in Test
Equipment (BIT/BITE), modularity and discard of components and selected items.
DIRECT SUPPORT (DS): Direct Support Maintenance is characterized by highly mobile forward orientation
to remove, repair/replace unserviceable major assemblies and components. Direct support will provide contact
maintenance teams for local support of unit maintenance support. DS personnel shall be capable of diagnosing causes of
equipment failures, repairing specified components and repair parts, and returning the serviceable asset to the supply or
reparable exchange (RX) system. DS may maintain a supply support system which allows unit maintenance to obtain
repair parts through Reparable Exchange (RX) or requisitions. DS may operate an Operational Readiness Float system
(ORF) for support units.