TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. All Lights, Horn, and Backup Alarm Fail To Operate Continued.
Test Step 28. Test Main Cab Wiring
All Lights, Horn, and Backup
Alarm Fail To Operate
1. Disconnect connector CG-C1
(WP 0012, Figure 283) from
connector W-C8
(WP 0012, Figure 282).
Continuity Replace main cab wiring
(WP 0540), test for continuity
harness (WP 0505).
between connector W-C8
Proceed to Test Step 43.
terminal 18 (WP 0012,
No Continuity Proceed to step 3.
Figure 282) and ground.
Continuity Replace main cab wiring
(WP 0540), test for continuity
harness (WP 0505).
between connector W-C8
Proceed to Test Step 43.
terminal 18 (WP 0012,
No Continuity Proceed to step 4.
Figure 282) and all other
terminals in connector W-C8
(WP 0012, Figure 282).
Continuity Replace main cab wiring
(WP 0540), test for continuity
harness (WP 0505).
between connector W-C2
Proceed to Test Step 43.
terminal 7 (WP 0012, Figure 224)
No Continuity Proceed to step 5.
and all other terminals
in connector W-C2
(WP 0012, Figure 224).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0540), measure resistance
Proceed to Test Step 29.
between connector W-C2
terminal 7 (WP 0012, Figure 224)
Replace main cab wiring harness
and W-C8 terminal 18
(WP 0505).
(WP 0012, Figure 282).
Proceed to Test Step 43.
Test Step 29. Test Headlamp Breaker
and Wiring Harness.
1. Remove fuse panel wiring harness
(WP 0515).
Resistance 5.0 Ohms or Less
(WP 0540), measure resistance
Replace fuse panel wiring harness
between connector CG-T4
(WP 0515).
(Figure 11, Item 1) and connector
Proceed to Test Step 43.
GG-T1 (Figure 11, Item 2).
Replace headlamp breaker and wiring
assembly (WP 0516).
Proceed to Test Step 43.