TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. A/C Does Not Blow Cold When Maximum Cool Setting Is Selected Continued.
Test Step 4. Low Pressure Gauge
A/C Does Not Blow Cold
and High Pressure Gauge Are
When Maximum Cool
Above Normal.
Setting Is Selected
Refrigerant system overcharged.
Refrigerant System Overcharged
Recover refrigerant, and evacuate and
recharge refrigerant system
(WP 0248).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Test Step 5. Low Pressure Gauge is
Above Normal and High Pressure
Gauge is Below Normal.
Low Pressure Gauge and High
Verify if low pressure gauge and high
Pressure Gauge Are the Same
pressure gauge are at the same
not engaging, proceed to Test Step 12.
Low Pressure Gauge and High Pres-
sure Gauge Are Not the Same Pres-
(WP 0247).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Test Step 6. Low Pressure Gauge is
Below Normal and High Pressure
Gauge is Above Normal.
Air or moisture in refrigerant system.
Air or Moisture in Refrigerant
System Recover refrigerant
(WP 0248). Replace A/C receiver dryer
(WP 0328). Evacuate and recharge
refrigerant system (WP 0248).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Test Step 7. Low Pressure Gauge
and High Pressure Gauge are Both
Below Normal.
Perform Refrigerant System
No Leaks Found Recover
Inspection and test refrigerant system
refrigerant (WP 0248). Replace A/C
for leaks (WP 0178).
receiver dryer (WP 0328). Evacuate
and recharge refrigerant system
(WP 0248).
Proceed to Test Step 29.
Leaks Found Recover refrigerant
(WP 0248). Repair or replace leaking
A/C component. Evacuate and
recharge refrigerant system
(WP 0248).
Proceed to Test Step 29.