TM 5-3805-296-23-2
Table 1. Engine Cranks Slow Continued.
Engine Cranks Slow
4. Inspect starter negative cable
Cable OK Proceed to step 5.
(Figure 3, Item 3) and retaining
Cable Damaged - Replace cable
hardware (Figure 3, Items 1 and 4)
(WP 0311).
for damage, and loose and
Proceed to Test Step 9.
corroded connections (WP 0540).
Cable Connection(s) Corroded
Clean IAW (WP 0540) and connect
cable (WP 0311).
Proceed to Test Step 9.
Cable Connection(s) Loose Tighten
cable connection(s).
Proceed to Test Step 9.
5. Disconnect and inspect engine
WIring OK Connect engine interface
interface wiring harness
wiring harness and starter wiring.
(Figure 3, Item 5) and starter
Proceed to Step 6.
wiring (Figure 3, Item 2) for
Starter Wiring Damaged Replace
damage, and loose and corroded
left starter (WP 0217) and right starter
connections (WP 0540).
(WP 0218).
Proceed to Test Step 9.
Engine Interface Wiring Harness
Damaged Replace engine interface
wiring harness (WP 0211).
Proceed to Test Step 9.
6. Position boot aside
Cable OK Proceed to step 7.
(Figure 3, Item 7) and inspect
Cable Damaged Replace cable
starter positive cable
(WP 0310).
(Figure 3, Item 8) for damage, and
Proceed to Test Step 9.
loose and corroded connection
Cable Connection Corroded
(WP 0540).
Disconnect battery positive cable from
battery (WP 0307).
Clean (WP 0540) and connect cable to
starter (WP 0310).
Connect battery positive cable to
battery (WP 0307).
Proceed to Test Step 9.
Cable Connection Loose
Disconnect battery positive cable from
battery (WP 0307).
Tighten cable connection.
Connect battery positive cable to
battery (WP 0307).
Proceed to Test Step 9.