TM 9-4940-568-34
Table 2-7. Crane Troubleshooting (CONT).
Test 1.
Remove the line that comes from the outrigger beam extend fitting at the middle valve of
three valve bank assembly. Install a flow meter in line between control valve and line. Open
pressure control valve fully by turning control knob counter clockwise to DECREASE. Start
FRS. Have assistant operate O/R EXT. control lever to attempt to extend outrigger beam.
Slowly close pressure control valve by turning knob clockwise to INCREASE. Create 3,000
- 3,200 psi (20,684 to 22,063 kPa) working pressure.
If pressure is within specifications, repair or replace outrigger beam
extend/retract cylinder. Refer to paragraph 3-8 or 6-2.
If pressure is not within specifications, repair or replace outrigger control
valve/shuttle valve circuit. Refer to paragraphs 3-34 or 3-35. If fault is not
corrected, repair or replace outrigger beam extend/retract cylinder. Refer to
paragraph 3-8 or 6-2.