TM 9-4940-568-20
Crossmembers (4). These welds are located at the junction of the crossmember and the main rails. A
crack should be repaired before it has reached 2 in. (5 cm) at one location. The total length of all cracks
on a single crossmember should not exceed 2 in. (5 cm). When cracks are present on several
crossmembers, action should be taken to repair it at the next service. If a crossmember is completely
missing, repairs should be made prior to use.
Main Rails (5). The main rails provide a major portion of the load carrying capacity of the flatrack.
They support a portion of the load while loaded on the truck and trailer. Cracks between the main rail
and the pinning boss and the main rail and the fork pocket should be repaired before reaching one in. (2
cm). Cracks at other locations on the main rails should be repaired before reaching 1/2 in. (1 cm).
Crane Frame Base (6). The crane frame base supports the crane and transfers the load capacity from the
crane to the main rails. Repair cracks present on crane frame base or between crane frame base and main
rails prior to use.