TM 55-8115-203-23 & P
(1) Restrictions for repair by sectioning are as follows:
(a) Sections must be at least six inches long.
(b) A section which would end within six inches of an existing insert or section repair must be extended
to butt against the existing insert or repair.
(c) For side rails only: If any part of the area to be repaired is within twelve inches of a corner fitting,
the section must butt against the corner fitting.
(d) For end rails only: If any part of the area to be repaired is within six inches of a corner fitting, the
section must butt against the corner fitting.
(2) Remove damaged section of top rail and prepare to install replacement section.
(a) Mark the damaged area to be replaced with chalk or scribe.
(b) Tack weld guide bars in place to ensure straight cuts with an oxygen acetylene torch. Even,
accurate cutting will eliminate wide gaps between the rail and the new insert.
(c) Cut the weld holding the roof panel to the top rail where it is being replaced. Cut twelve inches
farther in each direction than the rail being replaced so that the panel can be wedged away from the
area being worked on.
(d) Cut the weld holding the side or end panel to the top rail section being replaced.
(e) Insert wedges between the roof and the top rail at either end of the section to be cut away.
(f) Cut out the damaged top rail section.
(g) Grind smooth all cut edges.
(3) Cut replacement section.
(a) Using guide bars, cut a section to the exact size of the damaged area. The section material must
be rolled steel with at least 110 lbs/sq. in. (50 kg/ minimum tensile strength.
(b) Grind smooth cut edges of the section.
(4) Fit and weld section in place.
(a) Fit section in place. There should be no more than 5/64 in. gap at any point between the section
and the edges of the top rail and panels.