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Section I. GENERAL
2-1. Scope
This chapter provides transportability characteris-
tics of the SEE, HME, and HMMH.
2-2. Description
The SEE, HME, and HMMH are commercial items
of construction equipment. The tractor portion of
the equipment is a light truck chassis equipped
with a diesel engine, multispeed range transmis-
sion, and offroad flotation tires. The tractor has a
45-mile-per-hour (72-km/h) highway convoy speed
as well as a full drive rough-terrain capability.
a. The SEE tractor configuration consists of the
basic tractor with a 3/4-cubic-yard-capacity front
end loader and rear-mounted backhoe. The back-
hoe has a 7-cubic-foot-capacity bucket, as shown in
figure 2-1.
b. The HME variant consists of the same basic
tractor as the SEE, but with a dozer blade (85
inches wide and 32 inches high) on the front end
and an entrencher on the rear. No photograph is
available at this time.
c. The HMMH variant consists of the same
basic tractor as the SEE, but with a 4,000-pound
(1814-kg)-capacity forklift mounted to the front
and a 6,000 pound (2722-kg)-capacity crane at-
tached to the rear of the vehicle, as shown in
figure 2-2.
2-3. Transportability Drawings
Figures 2-3 through 2-5 are detailed side- and
rear-view transportability drawings of the SEE,
HME, and HMMH with dimensions, tiedown and
lifting provisions, and load-rating capacities.