TM 5-3825-230-14&P(1)Cuts or grooves parallel to ball or roller rotation.NOTENicks and gouges outside race load areas are not cause for rejection unless deep enough tocause bearing binding or misalignment.(2)Fatigue pits (as opposed to minor machine marks or scratches).(3)Clean all parts before inspection. Check for defects such as physical distortion, wear, cracks, and pitting.b.Check all hose surfaces for broken or frayed fabric, breaks caused by sharp kinks, or chafing against other partsof the unit. Inspect metal tubing lines for kinks. Inspect fitting threads for damage. Replace any defective part.Check for leaks after assembly and during initial operation period.c.Visually inspect all castings and weldments for cracks.d.Inspect all wiring for chafed or burned insulation. Inspect all terminal connectors for loose connections andbroken parts.e.Inspect gears and splines for cracks, pitting, and discoloration.4-15.UNITCLEANINGPROCEDURES.WARNINGDry cleaning solvent P-D-680 is toxic and flammable. Wear protective goggles, face mask, andgloves and use only in a well ventilated area. Avoid contact with skin, eyes, and clothes anddon't breathe vapor. Do not use near open flame or excessive heat. The flashpoint for type I drycleaning solvent is 100°F (38°C) and for type II is 140°F (60°C). If you become dizzy while usingcleaning solvent, get fresh air immediately and get medical aid. If contact with eyes is made,flush eyes with water and get medical aid immediately.a.When cleaning ball or roller bearings, place in a basket and suspend in a container of dry cleaning solvent, P-D-680 (item 31, Appendix E). If necessary, use a brush (item 6, Appendix E) to remove caked grease or chips. Avoidrotating bearings before solid particles are removed to prevent damaging races and balls.b.Do not clean O-rings or other rubber parts in dry cleaning solvent. Wipe with a clean, dry, lint-free cloth.c.For exterior cleaning of frame and structural components, use detergent (item 17, Appendix E) in a solution asrecommended on the container. Leave application on items surface for approximately 10 minutes before rinsing. Rinsewith hot or cold water under pressure. If available, use hot water under 80 to 120 lb (36 to 54 kg) pressure. An ordinarygarden hose may be used if no other equipment is available. If pressurized water supply is not available, wash paintedsurfaces with a solution of 1/4 cup soap chips (item 7, Appendix E) to one gallon of water.4-17
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