TM 5-3825-230-14&P
To replace a preformed packing, first clean groove, then stretch packing and place into position. Place
component on flat surface and uniformly press packing into position.
Use a nonhardening pipe-joint compound (item 16, Appendix E) or Teflon tape (item 34 Appendix E) to join
Coat both sides of gasket with sealant (item 15, Appendix E). Remove all traces of previous gasket and
sealant before installing new gasket.
Coat oil seals evenly with oil or grease before installing. Install oil seals with seal lip facing in, applying an
even force to outer edge of seal. If oil seals are to be installed over keyed or splined shafts, use a guide to prevent sharp
edge of the keyway or splines from cutting the seal. Construct guides of very thin gauge sheet metal and shape to the
required diameter. Make certain guide edges are not sharp and are bent slightly inward so they do not cut the seal.
When mounting bearings on shafts, always apply force to the inner races. When mounting bearings into
housing, always apply the force to the outer races. Lubricate bearings before assembly with lubricant used in the related
housing or container to provide the first run-in until lubricant from the system can reach the bearings.
To ease assembly and installation, tag and mark shims, connectors, wires, and mating ends of lines before
disconnecting them. Identify similar parts to ensure correct assembly.
Before removal of any electrical component, disconnect battery cables (para 4-73) and ensure 12V or 24V
wire harness to tow vehicle is disconnected.
Ensure that adequate clearance is available for removal of component. Disassemble sweeper to the
extent necessary to provide adequate working clearance.
Use chain hoist, jack, or other aid when lifting heavy components. Lifting device should be positioned and
attached to components to remove all strain from mounting hardware before last hardware is removed.
Discard preformed packings, gaskets, seals, and similar material when removed. Be sure that all traces of
oil, gaskets, and sealants are removed. When possible, use wood or plastic probes and scrapers to prevent damage to
machines surfaces.
Cotter pins, lockwashers, star washers, lockwire, self-locking nuts, and any similar locking devices mustbe
discarded when removed. Self-locking fasteners that loosen up must be replaced, not tightened.
Remove parts only if repair or replacement is required. Do not disassemble a component any further than
necessary to accomplish needed repairs.
Painting. Instructions for preparation of material for paint, how to paint, and materials to be used are in TM 43-
0139. Instructions for camouflage painting are contained in FM 5-20. Stenciling and marking military vehicles are called
out in TB 43-0209. Data plates location and description are referenced in Chapter 2.
Lubrication. Refer to Chapter 3, Section I for lubrication procedures and requirements for the sweeper. The
instructions include types and grades of lubrications used, lube points, locations and frequency of required lubrication.
Remove protective grease coatings from new parts before installation.
To replace preformed packings, first clean groove, then stretch packing into position. Rotate component
on flat surface applying downward pressure to uniformly press packing into position. A light coating of fluid which the
packing will operate in, will make assembly easier.