Disconnect the distributor vacuum line. Connect the timing light high tension lead to the No. 1 spark plug (front
cylinder), and the other two leads to the proper battery terminals. Clean and chalk the timing marks to improve legibility.
Operate the engine at a maximum of 550 rpm, and direct the timing light at the pointer, keeping the timing marks
in line with the center of the pulley and the light. The light should flash just as the 6) mark lines up with the notch on the
If the 60 mark and the notch do not line up, loosen the distributor body clamp, and rotate the distributor until the
mark and notch arc in line.
Ignition Timing Marks
NOTE: Ignition timing is advance by counterclockwise rotation of the distributor body - retarded by clockwise rotation.
When the proper timing is obtained, tighten the distributor body clamp and connect the distributor vacuum line,
then accelerate the engine %while watching the timing mark with the timing light to determine if the advance mechanism is
functioning. The notch on the crankshaft pulley should advance as engine rpm increases. This check will confirm whether
or not the advance mechanism 1s functioning, hut it does not indicate proper distributor calibration.