Section I. GENERAL
1-1. Scope
1-3. Reporting of Errors
a. This manual contains instructions for use by
Report of errors, omissions, and recommendations for
personnel to whom the Texoma Inc. Earth Auger,
improving this publication by the individual user is
Model 254-9, is issued. It provides instructions on the
encouraged. Reports should be submitted on VA Form
operation and the operator and organizational
2028, (Recommended Changes to DA Publications),
maintenance of the equipment. Also included are
and forwarded direct to Commanding General, U.S.
descriptions of major components and their functions in
Army Tank-Automotive Material Readiness Command.
relationship to other components.
1-4. Destruction of Army Material to Prevent Enemy
applicable to this manual. Appendix B contains the
Use and Administrative Storage
maintenance allocation chart. Appendix C contains the
Instructions regarding destruction of Army material to
troop installed items.
prevent enemy use are provided in TM 750-244-3.
Instructions for administrative storage are provided in
1-2. Forms and Records
TM 740-90-1.
Maintenance forms, records, and reports which are to be
used by maintenance personnel at all maintenance
levels are listed in and prescribed by TM 38-750.
(1) The hydraulic system incorporates load lock
1-5. Description
valves on both the elevating and leveling cylinders.
a. General. The Texoma Incorporated Earth Auger
These valves prevent the cylinders from retracting in
event of hydraulic system pressure loss.
contained, skid mounted, earth boring assembly driven
by a gasoline engine, Ford Model 2004GF6006E). All
1-6. Identification and Tabulated Data
operations of the boring assembly are controlled by a
hydraulic system. The auger is capable of boring holes
The earth auger has three
9 to 24 inches in diameter and to a depth of 9 feet. The
identification plates.
boring assembly can be operated from vertical
(1) Manufacturer's nameplate. Mounted on the
downward to 60c away from truck, 450 to the right or left
of truck, or 100 toward the truck.
rear of the skid, specifies model number, capacity, FSN,
b. Engine. The engine is a Ford Motor Company
auger serial number, engine serial number, and
contractor number.
Model200GF-6006E in-line, 6 cylinder, pressure
(2) Shipping data plate. Mounted on the front
lubricated, gasoline engine.
c. Transmission. The transmission is a Funk
left side of the accoustical panel; it gives model number,
information concerning lifting points and lift eye
Manufacturing Company Model4050A055BP, with four
speeds forward and reverse.
(3) Operational procedures data plate. Located
d. Auger Assembly. The auger assembly consists
on the rear of the accoustical panel directly below the
of the auger, kelly bar, final drive assembly, and right
hydraulic filter. Provides data for operating auger
angle drive assembly. Operation of the auger assembly
controls. Also gives instructions concerning strainer,
is controlled by the shuttle control and the hand or foot
filters, and packing nuts.
operated throttle control. The shuttle is used to engage
and disengage the drive assembly.
e. Warning/Safety Devices.