TM 5-3820-245-14&P
The single-weight variable speed governor is mounted
2. Back out the buffer screw until it extends
on the rear end plate of the engine and is driven by a
approximately 5/8 " from the lock nut.
gear that extends through the end plate and meshes
with either the camshaft gear or the balance shaft gear,
3. Clean and remove the governor cover and
depending upon the engine model.
valve rocker cover. Discard the gaskets.
After adjusting the exhaust valves and timing the fuel
injectors, adjust the governor and position the injector
4. Place the speed control lever (Fig. 1) in the
maximum speed position.
NOTE: Before proceeding with the governor
5. Insert a .006 " feeler gage between the spring
and injector rack adjustments, disconnect
plunger and the plunger guide as shown in Fig. 1. If
any supplementary governing device. After
required, loosen the lock nut and turn the gap adjusting
the adjustments are completed, reconnect
screw in or out until a slight drag is noted on the feeler
and adjust the supplementary governing
6. Hold the adjusting screw and tighten the lock
Adjust Governor Gap
nut. Check the gap and readjust if necessary.
With the engine stopped and at operating temperature,
adjust the governor gap as follows:
7. Use a new gasket and install the governor cover
as follows:
1. Disconnect any linkage attached to the governor
a. Place the cover on the governor housing, with
the pin in the throttle shaft assembly entering
the slot in the differential lever.
b. Install the four cover screws and lock washers
finger tight.
Fig. 1. Checking Governor Gap
Fig. 2 - Positioning the Rear Injector Rack
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