TM 5-3820-245-14&P
Performance and Stall Test - Funk Transmission
If all preliminary checks are satisfactory, make a performance and stall test as described below:
Run the engine at 1200 R.P.M. with the unit in neutral until normal engine operating temperature
is reached.
Attach a tachometer to the engine and position the instrument so that it can be read from the
driver's seat.
Apply the service brakes firmly.
With a steady pressure, depress the forward pedal or lever to the wide open throttle position.
Observe the tachometer reading. The engine should turn up to the TOP governed R.P.M. If
engine speed is below the minimum requirements, it is an indication that the engine is not
operating at peak efficiency. Take all necessary steps to correct the engine deficiency, and again
perform the test. Check the R.P.M. with the reverse pedal or lever fully depressed. The engine
speed should be the same as above.
Next, place the transmission behind the Revers-O-Matic (shuttle box) in high gear leaving all
brakes applied. With a steady pressure, depress the forward pedal or lever to the wide open
throttle position. Make note of the tachometer reading. The engine should turn up to the
"MINIMUM" static R.P.M. If engine speed is below the minimum requirements, it is an indication
that the engine is at fault and should be checked out as described in (4) above. If a drop in stall
speed persists, it indicates trouble in the transmission. If the stall speed is considerably below the
minimum specified, it is an indication that the trouble is more likely in the converter. The remedy
is to disassemble the converter and examine the converter parts for wear and any irregularities.
If the engine speed is over the "MAXIMUM" static R.P.M., or if engine runaway is apparent,
release the accelerator pedal or return the lever to neutral immediately to prevent possible
damage to the transmission. This is an indication of transmission malfunction, and should be
checked out per the Trouble Shooting Chart. Stall test tachometer readings require careful
interpretation. During a stall test, the engine, torque converter, and hydraulic clutches are all
under test at the same time.