TM 5-3820-245-14&P
The correct exhaust valve clearance at normal engine operating temperature is important for smooth, efficient operation
of the engine.
Insufficient valve clearance can result in loss of compression, misfiring cylinders and, eventually, burned valve seats and
valve seat inserts. Excessive valve clearance will result in noisy operation, increased valve face wear and valve lock
Whenever the cylinder head is overhauled, the exhaust valves reconditioned or replaced, or the valve operating
mechanism is replaced or disturbed in any way, the valve clearance must first be adjusted to the cold setting to allow for
normal expansion of the engine parts during the engine warm-up period. This will ensure a valve setting which is close
enough to the specified clearance to prevent damage to the valves when the engine is started.
All of the exhaust valves may be adjusted, in firing order sequence, during one full revolution of the crankshaft. Refer to
Section 1 of the manual for the engine firing order.
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