TM 5-3820-245-14&P
Items 1 and 9
Every 12 months or 20,000 miles (700 hours) tighten all fuel tank mountings and brackets. At the same time, check the
seal in the fuel tank cap, the breather hole in the cap and the condition of the crossover fuel line. Repair or replace the
parts as necessary.
The most common form of diesel fuel contamination is water. Water is harmful to the fuel system in itself, but it also
promotes the growth of microbiological organisms (microbes). These microbes clog fuel filters with a "slime" and restrict
fuel flow.
Water can be introduced into the fuel supply through poor maintenance (loose or open fuel tank caps), contaminated fuel
supply or condensation.
Condensation is particularly prevalent on units which stand idle for extended periods of time, such as marine units.
Ambient temperature changes cause condensation in partially filled fuel tanks.
Water accumulation can be controlled by mixing isopropyl alcohol (dry gas) into the fuel oil at a ratio of one pint per 125
gallons fuel (or 0.10% by volume).
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