TM 5-3820-245-14&P
Compressed Air
Direct air through
1. Soak element 15
Place bright light
element in the
minutes or more in
inside element and
direction opposite to
Donaldson D-1400 and
rotate element slowly.
normal air flow
water solution. See
If any rupture, holes
through the element.
carton for full
or damaged gaskets
Move nozzle up and
are discovered -
down while rotating
2. Rinse until water
element. Keep nozzle
is clear (Maximum
at least one inch from
water pressure
pleated paper. Maximum
40 P.S.I.)
air pressure to prevent
3. Air-dry or use
damage of element is
warm flowing air,
100 P.S.I.
maximum 160F. Do not
use compressed air or
light bulbs.
The air cleaner should be inspected periodically to maintain maximum engine protection and maximum service life. These
inspections should include the following points:
1. Inspect the air transfer duct between the air cleaner and the engine to be sure all clamps are tight, all flange joints
are tight, and there are no cracks in the ducting.
2. Air cleaner mounting bolts and clamps must be tight to hold the air cleaner securely.
3. Check the dust cup to make sure it is sealing 360 around the air cleaner body.
4. Vacuator valve must be in place, not inverted or damaged, and free from obstruction.
5. Check for dents and damage to the air cleaner which could mean a leak.
6. Make sure all inlet accessories are free from obstructions and securely mounted.
7. Check pre-cleaner fins for plugging.
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