FRONT TIRE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Slack Adjuster.Figure 2. Jack.Figure 3. Valve Stem.Figure 4. Front Outer Bead.Figure 5. Front Outer Bead.Figure 6. Bolts and Center Bar.Figure 7. Crossmember and Extension Legs.Figure 8. Spacers and Handle.FRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 9. Lockring and O-ring.Figure 10. Flange and Ring.Figure 11. Flange and Ring Removal.FRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 13. Tire.Figure 14. Inner Ring.Figure 15. Inner Ring.Figure 16. Tire Bead.Figure 17. Tire.FRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 18. Flange and Ring.FRONT TIRE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 19. Tire Inflation.Figure 20. Jack.CRANKCASE GUARD AND PLATE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Crankcase Guard.Figure 2. Crankcase Plate.Figure 3. Crankcase Guard Access Plate.Figure 4. Crankcase Guard.Figure 5. Crankcase Guard Brackets.Figure 6. Crankcase Guard Insulation.Figure 7. Crankcase Plate.Figure 8. Crankcase Plate Insulation.Figure 9. Crankcase Plate.Figure 10. Crankcase Guard Insulation.Figure 11. Crankcase Guard Brackets.Figure 13. Crankcase Guard Access Plate.Figure 14. Crankcase Plate.Figure 15. Crankcase Guard.CRANKCASE GUARD AND PLATE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedTRANSMISSION GUARD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Bottom Transmission Guard.Figure 3. Top Transmission Guard Left Side.Figure 4. Top Rear Transmission Guard Mounting Bolts to Bottom Transmission Guard.Figure 5. Bottom Transmission Guard on Transmission Jack.Figure 6. Bottom Transmission Guard on Transmission Jack.Figure 7. Top Rear Transmission Guard Mounting Bolts to Bottom Transmission Guard.Figure 8. Bottom Transmission Guard.Figure 10. Top Transmission Guard Right Side.Figure 11. Tighten Top Rear Transmission Guard Mounting Bolts to Bottom Transmission Guard.LEFT FRAME ACCESS PLATE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Frame Access Plate.Figure 2. Left Frame Access Plate Hinges.Figure 3. Left Frame Access Plate Hinges.Figure 4. Left Frame Access Plate.FRONT BUMPER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Bumper.FRONT BUMPER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFRONT LADDER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Upper Ladder.Figure 2. Upper Rail.Figure 3. Lower Rail.Figure 4. Right Lower Ladder.Figure 5. Right Lower Ladder.Figure 7. Upper Ladder.BLACKOUT HEADLAMP REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Mounting Bolt and Wiring.Figure 3. Mounting Bracket.Figure 5. Mounting Bolt and Wiring.Figure 6. Blackout Headlamp Tiedown Strap.BLACKOUT HEADLAMP WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Mounting Bolt and Wiring.Figure 3. Harness Tiedown Strap.Figure 4. Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 5. Grommet and Harness.Figure 6. Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 7. Harness Tiedown Strap.Figure 8. Mounting Bolt and Wiring.Figure 9. Blackout Headlamp Tiedown Strap.TRACTOR GROUND LEVEL SHUTDOWN SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Ground Level Shutdown Switch Cover.Figure 3. Ground Level Shutdown Switch.Figure 4. Ground Level Shutdown Switch Access Plate.HEADLIGHT REPLACEMENTHEADLIGHT REPLACEMENTFigure 5. Headlight Bracket.Figure 6. Headlight Bracket.Figure 7. Bulb.Figure 9. Clamp and Bezel.Figure 10. Headlight Assembly.SIGNAL LAMP REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Wiring Harness Connector Tiedown Strap.Figure 3. Signal Lamp.Figure 4. Wiring Harness Connector Tiedown Strap.GRILLE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Grille.Figure 2. Bolts.Figure 3. Bolts.Figure 4. Grille.FRONT HOOD SUPPORT REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Wiring Harness Connections Left Side.Figure 2. Wiring Harness Connections Right Side.FRONT HOOD SUPPORT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Junction Block Cable Clamp.Figure 4. Junction Block Connections. Figure 5. Positive Arctic Start Aid Battery Cable at Junction.Figure 6. Front Mounting Bolts.Figure 8. Left Front Hood Support Outer Mount.FRONT HOOD SUPPORT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 9. Front Hood Support and Link Brackets.Figure 10. Front Hood Support Mounting Block.Figure 11. Hood Bumper and Seal.Figure 12. Hood Hinge.Figure 13. Front Hood Support Access Door.Figure 14. High and Low Horns.Figure 15. Left Headlight Assembly.Figure 16. Right Headlight Assembly.Figure 17. Headlight Assemblies.Figure 18. Cover and Junction Blocks.Figure 19. Blackout Light Wiring Harness.Figure 20. Ground Level Shutdown Switch.Figure 21. Bracket Mounting.Figure 22. Blind Rivet and Shroud.Figure 23. Headlight Assembly.Figure 24. Headlight Assembly.Figure 25. Blind Rivet and Shroud.Figure 26. Bracket Mounting.Figure 27. Ground Level Shutdown Switch.FRONT HOOD SUPPORT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 28. Blackout Light Wiring Harness.Figure 29. Cover and Junction Blocks.Figure 30. Headlight Assemblies.Figure 31. Right Headlight Assembly.Figure 32. Left Headlight Assembly.Figure 33. High and Low Horns.Figure 34. Front Hood Support Access Door.Figure 35. Hood Hinge.Figure 36. Hood Bumper and Seal.Figure 37. Front Hood Support Mounting Block.Figure 38. Front Hood Support and Link Brackets.Figure 39. Left Front Hood Support Outer Mount.Figure 41. Right Inner Mounting Bolts.Figure 42. Front Mounting Bolts.Figure 43. Positive Arctic Start Aid Battery Cable at Junction.Figure 44. Junction Block Connections.Figure 45. Junction Block Cable Clamp.Figure 46. Wiring Harness Connections Right Side.Figure 47. Wiring Harness Connections Left Side.FRONT HOOD SUPPORT REPLACEMENT - ContinuedREAR HOOD REPLACEMENTFigure 3. Supporting Precleaner.Figure 5. Plate.Figure 6. Handrail.Figure 7. Link Brackets.Figure 8. Bracket Bolts.Figure 9. Link Brackets.Figure 10. Blind Rivets.Figure 11. Bracket.Figure 12. Resilient Mounts.Figure 13. Resilient Mounts.Figure 14. Bracket.Figure 15. Blind Rivets.Figure 16. Link Brackets.Figure 17. Bracket Bolts.Figure 18. Link Brackets.Figure 19. Handrail.Figure 21. Precleaner.Figure 23. Exhaust Pipe and Precleaner.Figure 24. Muffler and Exhaust Pipe.RIGHT ENGINE DOORS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Engine Door.Figure 2. Rear Engine Door Plate.Figure 3. Rear Engine Door.Figure 4. Rear Engine Door Plate.Figure 5. Front Engine Door and Decal.FRONT HOOD REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Connections at NATO Slave.Figure 2. Tiedown Straps and 24-volt Pulse Receptacle Unit at Bracket.Figure 3. Hood Strut Lower Mounts.Figure 4. Strut Mount.Figure 5. Strut Mount.Figure 6. Hood Lifting Link Brackets.Figure 7. Hood.Figure 8. Lifting Link Brackets.Figure 9. Latch and Tread Plates.FRONT HOOD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 10. Link Brackets and Solargizer.Figure 11. Latches, Brackets, Baffles, and Insulation.Figure 12. Latch Cam.Figure 13. Lifting Link Brackets.Figure 14. Latch Cam.Figure 15. Latch and Tread Plates.FRONT HOOD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 16. Link Brackets and Solargizer.FRONT HOOD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 17. Latches, Brackets, Baffles, and Insulation.Figure 18. Lifting Link Brackets.Figure 19. Hood.Figure 20. Hood Lifting Link Brackets.Figure 21. Strut Mount.Figure 23. Hood Strut Lower Mounts.Figure 24. Tiedown Straps and 24-volt Pulse Receptacle Unit at Bracket.Figure 25. Connections at NATO Slave.Figure 26. Hood Adjustment at Hinge.FRONT HOOD REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 27. Hood Adjustment at Hinge.HOOD WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Side of Harness.Figure 3. Left Side Tiedown Straps.Figure 5. Right Side Tiedown Strap.Figure 6. Right Side of Harness.Figure 7. Front Hood Support Access Cover.Figure 8. P-Clamps and Hood Wiring Harness.Figure 9. P-Clamps and Hood Wiring Harness.Figure 10. Front Hood Support Access Cover.Figure 11. Right Side of Harness.Figure 13. Tiedown Straps Along Top of Hood.Figure 15. Blocking for Hood.Figure 16. Left Side of Harness.HOOD WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENT - ContinuedLEFT FENDER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Baffle and Strip.Figure 2. Baffle and Strip.Figure 5. Front Plate.Figure 6. Front Corner Plate.Figure 7. Rear Corner Bracket.Figure 8. Link Brackets.LEFT FENDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 9. Bracket.Figure 11. Grommet.LEFT FENDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 12. Bracket.Figure 13. Link Brackets.Figure 15. Rear Corner Bracket.Figure 17. Front Plate.Figure 19. Link Brackets and Left Fender.Figure 21. Rear Baffle Assembly.LEFT FENDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedRIGHT FENDER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Right Fender.Figure 3. Link Brackets.Figure 5. Rear Corner Bracket.Figure 6. Chain Hoist.RIGHT FENDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 8. Fender Bracket.Figure 9. Shield.Figure 10. Fender Bracket.Figure 11. Bracket.Figure 12. Chain Hoist.Figure 13. Rear Corner Bracket.Figure 15. Link Brackets.Figure 16. Right Fender.Figure 17. Rear Corner Bracket.Figure 18. Filter Housings.STEERING SERVO REPLACEMENTSTEERING SERVO REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 2. Locknuts.Figure 4. Purge Screws.Figure 6. Pivot Cylinder End.Figure 8. Piston Rod.Figure 10. Piston Rod Retaining Rings.Figure 11. Piston Rod Bearing.Figure 12. Pivot Cylinder End Retaining Rings.Figure 14. Pivot Cylinder End Rod Wiper Retaining Ring.Figure 16. Rod Wiper and Carrier Assembly.Figure 18. Cylinder End Rod Wiper Retaining Ring.Figure 20. Rod Wiper and Carrier Assembly.Figure 21. Cylinder End Seal.Figure 23. Rod Wiper and Carrier Assembly.Figure 25. Cylinder End Rod Wiper Retaining Ring.Figure 27. Rod Wiper and Carrier Assembly.Figure 28. Pivot Cylinder End Rod Wiper.Figure 29. Pivot Cylinder End Rod Wiper Retaining Ring.Figure 30. Pivot Cylinder End Single Retaining Ring.Figure 33. Piston Rod Single Retaining Ring.Figure 35. Piston Rod Retaining Rings.Figure 37. Piston Rod.Figure 39. Pivot Cylinder End.Figure 41. Fittings.Figure 42. Purge Screws.Figure 43. Locknuts.Figure 44. Hydraulic Hoses.HYDRAULIC AND STEERING PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Hydraulic Hose.Figure 2. Right Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 3. Right Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 4. Suction Line.Figure 5. Hydraulic and Steering Pump.Figure 7. Hydraulic and Steering Pump O-ring.Figure 8. Test Port.Figure 9. Right Side Hydraulic and Steering Pump Manifold.Figure 10. Sensor.Figure 11. Test Port with Fitting.Figure 12. Left Side Hydraulic and Steering Pump Manifold.Figure 13. Test Port with Fitting.Figure 14. Sensor.Figure 15. Right Side Hydraulic and Steering Pump Manifold.Figure 16. Test Port.Figure 17. Hydraulic and Steering Pump O-ring.Figure 18. Lifting Sling.Figure 19. Hydraulic and Steering Pump.Figure 20. Suction Line.Figure 21. Right Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 22. Right Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 23. Suction Line.STEERING METERING PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 3. Floor Mat.Figure 4. Steering Metering Pump.Figure 5. Quick Disconnect and Check Valve.Figure 6. Quick Disconnect and Fitting.Figure 7. Quick Disconnect and Elbow Fitting.Figure 8. Check Valve and Fittings.Figure 9. O-rings.Figure 10. Check Valve and Fittings.Figure 11. Quick Disconnect and Elbow Fitting.Figure 12. Quick Disconnect and Fitting.Figure 13. Quick Disconnect and Check Valve.Figure 14. Steering Metering Pump.Figure 16. Hoses.Figure 17. Step Assembly.SECONDARY STEERING PUMP OUTLET SCREEN HOSE REPLACEMENTSECONDARY STEERING PUMP OUTLET SCREEN HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hose.Figure 2. Hose Fittings.Figure 3. Hose.SECONDARY STEERING PUMP OUTLET SCREEN HOSE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedSECONDARY STEERING GEAR PUMP HOSE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Secondary Steering Gear Pump Hose.Figure 2. Pipe.Figure 3. Pipe.Figure 4. Secondary Steering Gear Pump Hose.SECONDARY STEERING GEAR PUMP REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hose and Fitting.Figure 2. Hose.Figure 3. Hose and Spacer.Figure 4. Secondary Steering Gear Pump.Figure 5. Shaft and Sleeve.Figure 6. O-ring.Figure 7. Secondary Steering Gear Pump.Figure 8. Hose and Spacer.Figure 9. Hose.Figure 10. Hose and Fitting.SECONDARY STEERING WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Top of Transmission Area.Figure 3. Top of Transmission Area.Figure 4. Top of Transmission Area.Figure 5. Top of Transmission Area.SECONDARY STEERING FLOW SWITCH REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Secondary Steering Flow Switch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 2. Secondary Steering Flow Switch.Figure 3. Secondary Steering Flow Switch.Figure 4. Secondary Steering Flow Switch Wiring Harness Connector.CUSHION HITCH WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 2. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 3. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 5. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 6. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 7. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 9. Cushion Hitch Wiring Harness.Figure 10. Cushion Hitch Wiring Harness.Figure 11. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 12. Left Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 13. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 15. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 16. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 18. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.Figure 19. Right Side of Machine Behind Cab.HITCH WIRING HARNESS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 2. P-clamps.Figure 3. P-clamps.Figure 4. P-clamps.Figure 5. P-clamps.Figure 6. P-clamps.Figure 8. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 9. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 10. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 11. P-clamps.Figure 12. P-clamps.Figure 13. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 14. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 15. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.Figure 17. P-clamps.Figure 18. P-clamps.Figure 19. P-clamps.Figure 20. P-clamps.Figure 21. P-clamps.Figure 22. Hitch Wiring Harness Connector.ARTICULATION PIVOT LUBRICATION HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Side Connections.Figure 2. Left Side Fittings.Figure 4. Left Bracket Connections.Figure 5. Left Lower P-clamps.Figure 6. Left Lubrication Hose P-clamps.Figure 7. Right Side Connections.Figure 8. Right Side Fittings.Figure 9. Right Bracket Connections.Figure 10. Right Lower P-clamps.Figure 12. Lubrication Fitting Bracket Mount.Figure 13. Lubrication Fitting Bracket.Figure 14. Lubrication Fitting Bracket.Figure 15. Lubrication Fitting Bracket Mount.Figure 17. Right Lower P-clamps.Figure 18. Right Bracket Connections.Figure 19. Right Side Fittings.Figure 20. Right Side Connections.Figure 21. Left Lower P-clamps.Figure 22. Left Lower P-clamps.Figure 23. Left Bracket Connections.Figure 24. Left Upper P-clamps.Figure 26. Left Side Connections.CUSHION HITCH LUBRICATION HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Left Side Lower Link Connections.Figure 2. Left Side Upper Rear Link Connection.Figure 3. Left Side Upper Front Link Connection.Figure 4. Left Side Draft Frame P-clamp.Figure 5. Left Side Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 6. Left Side Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 8. Left Side Lubrication Hose Tiedowns.Figure 9. Right Rear Lower Pivot Connections.Figure 10. Right Rear Upper Pivot Connection.Figure 12. Right Forward Lower Link Connection.Figure 13. Right Lower P-clamp.Figure 15. Right Forward Lower Pivot Connections.Figure 16. Right Upper P-clamp.Figure 17. Right Side Forward Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 18. Right Side Rearward Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 19. Right Side Center Bracket Connections.Figure 21. Right Side Lubrication Hose Tiedowns.Figure 22. Right Forward Upper Link Connection.Figure 24. Right Forward Link Bracket Connections.Figure 26. Right Forward Link Lubrication Hose Tiedown.Figure 27. Right Forward Link Lubrication Hose Tiedown.Figure 28. Right Forward Link Lubrication Hoses.Figure 29. Right Forward Link Bracket Connections.Figure 31. Right Forward Upper Link Connection.Figure 32. Right Side Lubrication Hose Tiedowns.Figure 34. Right Side Center Bracket Connections.Figure 35. Right Side Rearward Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 36. Right Side Forward Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 37. Right Upper P-clamp.Figure 38. Right Forward Lower Pivot Connections.Figure 40. Right Lower P-clamp.Figure 41. Right Forward Lower Link Connection.Figure 43. Right Rear Upper Pivot Connections.Figure 44. Right Rear Lower Pivot Connections.Figure 46. Left Side Lubrication Hoses.Figure 47. Left Side Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 48. Left Side Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 49. Left Side Draft Frame P-clamp.Figure 50. Left Side Upper Front Link Connection.Figure 51. Left Side Upper Rear Link Connection.Figure 52. Left Side Lower Link Connections.STEERING LINK LUBRICATION HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Right Side Outer Link Connections.Figure 2. Right Side Inner Link Connections.Figure 3. Right Side Outer Link Fittings.Figure 4. Right Side Inner Link Fittings.Figure 6. Left Side Inner Link Connections.Figure 7. Left Side Outer Link Fittings.Figure 9. Right Side Link Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 10. Right Side Link Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 11. Left Side Link Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 12. Left Side Link Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 13. Center Rear P-clamp.Figure 14. Center Front P-clamps.Figure 15. Lubrication Hoses.Figure 16. Center Front P-clamps.Figure 17. Center Rear P-clamp.Figure 18. Left Side Link Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 19. Left Side Link Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 20. Right Side Link Inner Bracket Connections.Figure 21. Right Side Link Outer Bracket Connections.Figure 22. Left Side Inner Link Fittings.Figure 24. Left Side Inner Link Connections.Figure 25. Right Side Inner Link Fittings.Figure 26. Right Side Outer Link Fittings.Figure 27. Right Side Inner Link Connections.Figure 28. Right Side Outer Link Connections.LEVELING VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Spring Mount.Figure 2. Leveling Valve Clevis.Figure 3. Spring Linkage.Figure 4. Wiring Connector.Figure 5. Front Hydraulic Hose.Figure 6. Side Hydraulic Line.Figure 7. Rear Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 8. Rear Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 10. Lower Inboard Hydraulic Hose.Figure 11. Leveling Valve.Figure 12. Solenoid.Figure 13. Test Port.Figure 14. Leveling Valve Fittings.Figure 15. Test Port.Figure 16. Solenoid.Figure 17. Leveling Valve.Figure 18. Lower Inboard Hydraulic Hose.Figure 20. Rear Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 21. Rear Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 22. Side Hydraulic Line.Figure 23. Front Hydraulic Hose.Figure 24. Wiring Connector.Figure 25. Spring Linkage.Figure 26. Leveling Valve Clevis.Figure 27. Spring Mount.Figure 28. Cylinder Rod Extension.Figure 29. Leveling Link Adjustment.LEVELING VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedCUSHION HITCH SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Wiring Connector.Figure 3. Coil.Figure 4. Plunger.Figure 5. Plunger.Figure 7. Clamp.Figure 8. Wiring Connector.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENTCUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic T-connection.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Lower Hose.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 3. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Accumulator Hose.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Outboard Line.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Inboard Hose.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 6. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Inboard Hose Connection.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. Cushion Hitch Side Hydraulic Hoses.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 8. Cushion Hitch Rear Hydraulic Line.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 9. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Line and P-clamp.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 10. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Connection.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 11. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Hose.Figure 12. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Line.Figure 13. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Line.Figure 14. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Hose.Figure 15. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Cylinder Connection.Figure 16. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Line and P-clamp.Figure 17. Cushion Hitch Rear Hydraulic Line.Figure 18. Cushion Hitch Side Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 19. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Inboard Hose Connection.Figure 20. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Inboard Hose.Figure 21. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Outboard Line.Figure 22. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Accumulator Hose.Figure 23. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic Lower Hose.Figure 24. Cushion Hitch Hydraulic T-connection.CUSHION HITCH HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedHYDRAULIC ACCUMULATOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Hose.Figure 2. Cover.Figure 4. Clamp.Figure 5. Bottom Mounting Bolts.Figure 7. Dust Cap.Figure 8. Nitrogen Discharge.Figure 9. Nitrogen Fitting.Figure 10. Piston.Figure 11. Slide Hammer.Figure 13. Nitrogen Fitting.HYDRAULIC ACCUMULATOR REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 14. Nitrogen Charge.Figure 16. Hydraulic Fitting.Figure 18. Bottom Mounting Bolts.Figure 18. Bottom Mounting Bolts.Figure 20. Lifting Link.Figure 22. Hydraulic Hose.WINDOW WASHER BOTTLE AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTWINDOW WASHER BOTTLE AND BRACKET REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Washer Bottle.Figure 3. Washer Bottle Bracket.Figure 4. Grommet and Breather.Figure 5. Washer Bottle.WINDOW WASHER BOTTLE AND BRACKET REPLACEMENT - ContinuedRIGHT MIRROR AND BRACKET REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Right Mirror.Figure 2. Brackets.Figure 3. Brackets.Figure 4. Right Mirror.APRON REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Shackle.Figure 2. Jack Stand.Figure 3. Jack Stand Position.Figure 4. Bearing Cap.Figure 5. Apron.Figure 7. Trunnions.Figure 8. Shackle Install.Figure 9. Apron.Figure 10. Bearing Cap.Figure 11. Jack Stand Position.Figure 12. Shackle.Figure 13. Jack Stand.APRON LIFT FRAME REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Apron Pin Bolts.Figure 2. Apron Pin.Figure 3. Piston Pin Bolts.Figure 4. Piston Pin.Figure 5. Chain Hoist.Figure 6. Apron Lift Frame Pivot.Figure 7. Apron Lift Frame.Figure 9. Apron Lift Frame.Figure 10. Apron Lift Frame Pivot.Figure 11. Chain Hoist.Figure 12. Piston Pin.Figure 13. Piston Pin Bolts.Figure 14. Apron Pin.Figure 15. Apron Pin Bolts.DRAFT FRAME SIDE HYDRAULIC SHUTTLE VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hose Connection.Figure 2. Shuttle Valve.Figure 3. Fittings.Figure 4. Shuttle Valve.Figure 5. Hose Connection.DRAFT FRAME UPPER HYDRAULIC SHUTTLE VALVE REPLACEMENTDRAFT FRAME SIDE HYDRAULIC SHUTTLE VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Hose Connection.Figure 2. Shuttle Valve.Figure 3. Fittings.Figure 4. Fittings.Figure 5. Shuttle Valve.Figure 6. Hose Connection.APRON HYDRAULIC HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Apron Up Control Valve Connection.Figure 2. Right Side Apron Up Line Connection.Figure 3. Ejector Forward Control Valve Connection.Figure 4. Ejector Reverse Control Valve Connection.Figure 5. Main Control Valve.Figure 6. Apron Down Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 7. Apron Down Cylinder Connection.Figure 8. Lower Return Line Connection.Figure 9. Return Fitting.Figure 10. Upper Return Line Connection.Figure 11. Upper Return Line Connection.Figure 12. Apron Up Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 13. Apron Up Cylinder Connection.Figure 14. Left Apron Line Clamp.Figure 15. Right Apron Line Clamp.Figure 16. Left Apron Line Clamp.Figure 17. Right Ejector Line Clamp Bolts.Figure 18. Apron Up Cylinder Connection.Figure 19. Apron Up Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 20. Left Side Apron Up Line Connection.Figure 21. Upper Return Line Connection.Figure 22. Return Fitting.Figure 23. Lower Return Line Connection.Figure 24. Apron Down Cylinder Connection.Figure 25. Apron Down Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 26. Apron Down Control Valve Connection.8Figure 27. Ejector Reverse Control Valve Connection.Figure 28. Ejector Forward Control Valve Connection.Figure 29. Right Side Apron Up Line Connection.Figure 30. Apron Up Control Valve Connection.BOWL CYLINDER REPLACEMENTBOWL CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Outboard Hydraulic Line.Figure 2. Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 3. Lower Pivot.Figure 4. Upper Pivot Bolts.Figure 5. Upper Pivot.Figure 6. Bowl Cylinder.BOWL CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 7. Upper Pivot.Figure 8. Upper Pivot Bolts.Figure 9. Lower Pivot.Figure 10. Lower Hydraulic Hose.Figure 11. Outboard Hydraulic Line.BOWL CYLINDERS HYDRAULIC HOSES, LINES, AND FITTINGS REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Inboard Pin Mount.Figure 4. Bowl Up Control Valve Connection.Figure 5. Bowl Up Line Connection.Figure 6. Bowl Down Control Valve Connection.Figure 7. Bowl Down Line Connection.Figure 8. Right Cylinder Down Connection.Figure 9. Right Cylinder Down Line Connection.Figure 10. Right Cylinder Up Connection.Figure 11. Right Cylinder Up Line Connection.Figure 12. Right Cylinder Line Clamps.Figure 13. Left Cylinder Line Clamps.Figure 14. Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Connection.Figure 15. Right Cylinder Pilot Control Hose Connection.Figure 16. Right Cylinder Pilot Control Hose Junction.Figure 18. Lower Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose Clamps.Figure 20. Lower Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Junction.Figure 21. Right Upper Quick Drop Pilot Control Clamps.Figure 22. Left Inner Quick Drop Pilot Control Connection.Figure 23. Quick Drop Pilot Control Draft Frame Connection.Figure 24. Left Quick Drop Pilot Control Connection.Figure 26. Left Upper Outer Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose.Figure 27. Left Lower Quick Drop Pilot Control Clamps.Figure 28. Left Lower Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose.Figure 29. Left Upper Outer Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose.Figure 30. Left Lower Quick Drop Pilot Control Clamps.Figure 31. Left Upper Outer Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose.Figure 32. Left Upper Outer Quick Drop Pilot Control Clamps.Figure 34. Quick Drop Pilot Control Draft Frame Connection.Figure 35. Left Inner Quick Drop Pilot Control Connection.Figure 36. Right Upper Quick Drop Pilot Control Clamps.Figure 37. Lower Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Junction.Figure 39. Lower Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Hose Clamps.Figure 40. Right Cylinder Pilot Control Hose.Figure 41. Right Cylinder Pilot Control Hose Junction.Figure 42. Right Cylinder Pilot Control Line Connection.Figure 43. Right Quick Drop Pilot Control Connection.Figure 44. Left Cylinder Line Clamps.Figure 45. Right Cylinder Line Clamps.Figure 46. Left Cylinder Line Clamp Bolts.Figure 47. Right Cylinder Up Line Connection.Figure 48. Right Cylinder Up Connection.Figure 49. Right Cylinder Down Line Connection.Figure 50. Right Cylinder Down Connection.Figure 51. Bowl Down Line Connection.Figure 52. Bowl Down Control Valve Connection.Figure 53. Bowl Up Line Connection.Figure 54. Bowl Up Control Valve Connection.Figure 55. Inboard Pin Mount.Figure 56. Stowed Pin.EJECTOR FORWARD, FRONT HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Main Control Valve Connection.Figure 2. Line to Main Control Valve Connection.Figure 3. Front Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 4. Air Hoses.EJECTOR FORWARD, FRONT HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Air Hose Fittings.Figure 6. Air Hose Bracket.Figure 6. Air Hose Bracket.Figure 8. Front Hydraulic Line Clamp.Figure 9. Air Hose Bracket.Figure 10. Air Hose Fittings.Figure 11. Air Hoses.Figure 12. Front Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 13. Line to Main Control Valve Connection.Figure 14. Main Control Valve Connection.EJECTOR REVERSE, FRONT HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENTEJECTOR REVERSE, FRONT HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Main Control Valve Connection.Figure 2. Right Side Draft Frame Clamp.Figure 3. Left Side Draft Frame Clamp Bolts.Figure 4. Control Valve Hose to Draft Frame Line Connection.Figure 5. Left Inboard Hose to Draft Frame Line Connection.Figure 6. Draft Frame Line.Figure 7. Left Inboard Hose to Bowl Line Connection.Figure 8. Bowl Hose to Bowl Line Connection.Figure 9. Bowl Line.Figure 10. Bowl Line.Figure 11. Bowl Hose to Bowl Line Connection.Figure 12. Left Inboard Hose to Bowl Line Connection.Figure 13. Draft Frame Line.Figure 14. Left Inboard Hose to Draft Frame Line Connection.Figure 15. Control Valve Hose to Draft Frame Line Connection.Figure 16. Right Side Draft Frame Clamp.Figure 17. Left Side Draft Frame Clamp Bolts.Figure 18. Main Control Valve Connection.APRON CYLINDER REPLACEMENTFigure 2. Right Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 3. Left Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 4. Right Cylinder Connection.Figure 5. Right Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 6. Left Cylinder Connection.Figure 7. Left Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 8. Lifting Sling.Figure 9. Mounting Bolts.Figure 10. Hydraulic Line Clamp.Figure 11. Apron Cylinder.Figure 12. Apron Cylinder Hydraulic Line.Figure 13. Retaining Plate.Figure 15. Retaining Plate.Figure 16. Apron Cylinder Hydraulic Line.Figure 17. Apron Cylinder.Figure 18. Hydraulic Line Clamp.Figure 19. Mounting Bolts.Figure 20. Lifting Sling.Figure 21. Left Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 22. Left Cylinder Connection.Figure 23. Right Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 24. Right Cylinder Connection.Figure 25. Left Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 27. Jack Trestles.EJECTOR CYLINDER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Chain Hoist.Figure 2. Ejector Reverse Hose.Figure 3. Ejector Reverse Hose Cover.Figure 4. Ejector Forward Hose Clamp.EJECTOR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Ejector Forward Hose.Figure 6. Ejector Forward Tube Clamp.Figure 7. Ejector Forward Tube.Figure 8. Ejector Forward Tube Cover.Figure 9. Rear Pivot Plate.Figure 10. Rear Pivot.Figure 11. Rear Lower Crossmember.Figure 12. Upper Rear Crossmember.Figure 13. Rear Ejector Frame.EJECTOR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedEJECTOR CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - Continued Figure 15. Front Pivot Plate.Figure 17. Ejector Cylinder.Figure 18. Ejector Cylinder Bracket.Figure 19. Ejector Cylinder.Figure 20. Front Pivot.Figure 21. Front Pivot Plate.Figure 22. Ejector Forward Position.Figure 23. Rear Ejector Frame.Figure 24. Upper Rear Crossmember.Figure 25. Rear Lower Crossmember.Figure 26. Rear Pivot.Figure 27. Rear Pivot Plate.Figure 28. Ejector Reverse Tube Cover.Figure 29. Ejector Forward Tube.Figure 30. Ejector Forward Tube Clamp.Figure 31. Ejector Forward Hose.Figure 32. Ejector Forward Hose Clamp.Figure 33. Ejector Reverse Hose Cover.Figure 34. Ejector Reverse Hose.Figure 35. Chain Hoist.EJECTOR REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Chain Hoist.Figure 2. Ejector Cylinder Support.Figure 4. Ejector Position.Figure 5. Ejector Cylinder.Figure 6. Ejector Lifting Device.Figure 7. Chain Hoist on Ejector.Figure 8. Upper and Rear Roller Adjustment.Figure 9. Upper and Rear Roller Tracks.Figure 11. Rollers.Figure 12. Bowl.Figure 13. Rollers.Figure 14. Ejector.Figure 15. Upper and Rear Roller Tracks.Figure 16. Upper and Rear Roller Adjustment.Figure 17. Bottom Roller Adjustment.Figure 18. Chain Hoist on Ejector.Figure 19. Ejector Lifting Device.Figure 20. Ejector Position.Figure 21. Ejector Cylinder.Figure 22. Retaining Plate.Figure 23. Ejector Cylinder Support.Figure 24. Chain Hoist.EJECTOR FORWARD, MIDDLE HYDRAULIC HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 2. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 3. Bowl Isolators.Figure 4. Bowl Isolators.Figure 5. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 6. Front Bowl Hose Connection.EJECTOR FORWARD, REAR HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Line Guard.Figure 2. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 3. Wheel Well Shield P-clamp.Figure 5. Insulator Cover.Figure 6. Front Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 7. Inner Line Clamp.Figure 8. Outer Line Clamp Mount.Figure 9. Outer Line Clamp.Figure 10. Rear Isolator Bolts.Figure 11. Rear Isolators.Figure 12. Rear Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 13. Rear Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 14. Rear Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 15. Rear Hydraulic Hose Clamp.Figure 16. Rear Isolators.Figure 17. Rear Isolator Bolts.Figure 18. Outer Line Clamp.Figure 19. Outer Line Clamp Mount.Figure 20. Inner Line Clamp.Figure 21. Front Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 22. Insulator Cover.Figure 24. Wheel Well Shield P-clamp.Figure 25. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 26. Rear Line Guard.EJECTOR REVERSE, MIDDLE HYDRAULIC HOSES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 2. Front Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 3. Bowl Isolators.Figure 4. Bowl Isolators.Figure 5. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 6. Front Bowl Hose Connection.EJECTOR REVERSE, REAR HYDRAULIC HOSES AND LINES REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Rear Line Guard.Figure 2. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 3. Fender Shield P-clamp.Figure 5. Insulator Cover.Figure 6. Upper Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 7. Lower Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 9. Outer Line Clamp Mount.Figure 11. Rear Isolator Bolts.Figure 12. Rear Isolators.Figure 13. Rear Isolators.Figure 14. Rear Isolator Bolts.Figure 16. Outer Line Clamp Mount.Figure 18. Lower Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 19. Upper Cylinder Hose Connection.Figure 21. Fender Shield.Figure 22. Fender Shield P-clamp.Figure 23. Rear Bowl Hose Connection.Figure 24. Rear Line Guard.QUICK DROP VALVE REPLACEMENTQUICK DROP VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 1. Top Hydraulic Hose.Figure 2. Outboard Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 3. Outboard Middle Hydraulic Hose.Figure 4. Outboard Forward Hydraulic Hose.Figure 5. Bottom Hydraulic Line.Figure 6. Left Side Outboard Top Hydraulic Hose.Figure 7. Left Side Outboard Top Hydraulic Fitting.Figure 8. Quick Drop Valve.Figure 9. Check Valve.Figure 11. Hydraulic Fitting.Figure 12. Check Valve.Figure 13. Quick Drop Valve.Figure 14. Left Side Outboard Top Hydraulic Fitting.Figure 15. Left Side Outboard Top Hydraulic Hose.Figure 16. Bottom Hydraulic Line.Figure 17. Outboard Forward Hydraulic Hose.Figure 18. Outboard Middle Hydraulic Hose.Figure 19. Outboard Upper Hydraulic Hose.Figure 20. Top Hydraulic Hose.STEERING CYLINDER REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Lubrication Line.Figure 2. Front Cylinder Connection.Figure 3. Front Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 4. Rear Cylinder Connection.Figure 5. Rear Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 6. Lifting Sling.Figure 7. Pivot Plate.Figure 8. Front Pivot.Figure 9. Rear Pivot Lock Pin.Figure 10. Steering Cylinder.STEERING CYLINDER REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 11. Steering Cylinder.Figure 12. Rear Pivot.Figure 13. Front Pivot.Figure 14. Pivot Plate.Figure 15. Lifting Sling.Figure 16. Rear Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 17. Rear Cylinder Connection.Figure 18. Lubrication Line.Figure 19. Front Cylinder Port Cover.Figure 20. Front Cylinder Connection.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENTRIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Steering Control Valve, Right Side Hose.Figure 3. Below Cab Routing.Figure 4. Behind Cab Routing.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Line.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 6. Crossover Hose, Front Connection.Figure 7. Crossover Hose, Rear Connection.Figure 8. Right Line.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 9. Rod End.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 10. Cylinder End.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 11. Crossover Line, Right.Figure 12. Crossover Line, Left.Figure 13. Crossover Line, Left.Figure 14. Crossover Line, Right.Figure 15. Cylinder End.Figure 16. Rod End.Figure 17. Right Line.Figure 18. Crossover Hose, Rear Connection.Figure 19. Crossover Hose, Front Connection.RIGHT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 20. Line.Figure 21. Behind Cab Routing.Figure 22. Below Cab Routing.Figure 23. Steering Control Valve, Right Side Hose.Figure 24. Cab Step.LEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENTLEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Steering Control Valve, Left Side Hose.Figure 3. Below Cab Routing.Figure 4. Behind Cab Routing.LEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 5. Line, Lower Connection.Figure 6. Line, Upper Connection.Figure 7. Crossover Hose, Front Connection.Figure 8. Crossover Hose, Rear Connection.Figure 9. Left Line.LEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 10. Rod End.LEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 11. Cylinder End.LEFT STEERING CYLINDER HOSES REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 12. Crossover Line, Left.Figure 13. Crossover Line, Right.Figure 14. Crossover Line, Right.Figure 15. Crossover Line, Left.Figure 16. Cylinder End.Figure 17. Rod End.Figure 18. Left Line.Figure 19. Crossover Hose, Rear Connection.Figure 20. Crossover Hose, Front Connection.Figure 21. Line, Upper Connection.Figure 22. Line, Lower Connection.Figure 23. Behind Cab.Figure 24. Below Cab Routing.Figure 25. Steering Control Valve, Left Side Hose.Figure 26. Cab Step.SCRAPER LINE GUARDS REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Forward Center Line Guard.Figure 2. Forward Rear Line Guard.Figure 3. Forward Front Line Guard.Figure 4. Rearward Center Line Guard.Figure 5. Rearward Rear Line Guard.Figure 6. Rearward Front Line Guard.Figure 7. Rearward Front Line Guard.Figure 8. Rearward Rear Line Guard.Figure 9. Rearward Center Line Guard.Figure 10. Forward Front Line Guard.Figure 11. Forward Rear Line Guard.Figure 12. Forward Center Line Guard.REAR MAIN CONTROL VALVE REPAIRFigure 1. P-clamps.Figure 2. Wiring Harness Connectors.Figure 3. Tiedown Straps.Figure 4. Small Outboard Fittings.Figure 5. Lower Inboard Fitting.Figure 6. Upper Inboard Fitting.Figure 7. Upper Crossover Hose.Figure 8. Upper Inboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 9. Upper Outboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 10. Lower Crossover Hose.Figure 11. Lower Outboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 12. Rear Main Control Valve Bolts.Figure 13. Rear Main Control Valve.Figure 14. Lower Inboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 15. Lower Inboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 16. Rear Main Control Valve.Figure 17. Rear Main Control Valve Bolts.Figure 18. Lower Outboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 19. Lower Crossover Hose.Figure 20. Upper Outboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 21. Upper Inboard Crossover Hose Fitting.Figure 22. Upper Crossover Hose.Figure 23. Upper Inboard Fitting.Figure 24. Lower Inboard Fitting.Figure 25. Small Outboard Fittings.Figure 26. Tiedown Straps.Figure 27. Wiring Harness Connectors.Figure 28. P-clamps.REAR MAIN CONTROL VALVE MAIN RELIEF VALVE REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Main Relief Valve on Rear Main Control Valve.REAR MAIN CONTROL VALVE MAIN RELIEF VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 2. Assembling Test Gauge and Hose.Figure 3. Assembling Test Gauge and Hose.REAR MAIN CONTROL VALVE MAIN RELIEF VALVE REPLACEMENT - ContinuedFigure 4. Adjusting Main Relief Valve.APRON RAISE SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Tube Clamp.Figure 3. Rear Cover.Figure 4. Solenoid Connector.Figure 5. Tiedown Straps.Figure 6. Apron Lower Solenoid.Figure 7. O-rings.Figure 8. O-rings.Figure 9. Apron Lower Solenoid.Figure 10. Tiedown Straps.Figure 11. Solenoid Connector.Figure 12. Rear Cover.Figure 13. Front Cover.Figure 14. Hydraulic Tube Clamp.APRON LOWER SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Cover.Figure 2. Upper P-clamp.Figure 3. Lower P-clamps.Figure 4. Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 5. Rear Cover.Figure 6. Solenoid Connector.Figure 7. Tiedown Straps.Figure 8. Apron Rise Solenoid.Figure 9. O-rings.Figure 10. Apron Rise Solenoid.Figure 11. Tiedown Straps.Figure 12. Solenoid Connector.Figure 13. Rear Cover.Figure 14. Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 15. Lower P-clamps.Figure 16. Upper P-clamp.Figure 17. Front Cover.BOWL UP SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Hydraulic Tube Clamp.Figure 3. Rear Cover.Figure 4. Solenoid Connector.Figure 5. Tiedown Straps.Figure 6. Bowl Up Solenoid.Figure 7. O-rings.Figure 8. Bowl Up Solenoid.Figure 9. Tiedown Straps.Figure 10. Solenoid Connector.Figure 11. Rear Cover.Figure 13. Hydraulic Tube Clamp.BOWL DOWN SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Front Cover.Figure 2. Upper P-clamp.Figure 3. Lower P-clamps.Figure 4. Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 5. Rear Cover.Figure 6. Solenoid Connector.Figure 7. Tiedown Straps.Figure 8. Bowl Down Solenoid.Figure 9. O-rings.Figure 10. O-rings.Figure 11. Bowl Down Solenoid.Figure 12. Tiedown Straps.Figure 13. Bowl Down Solenoid Connector.Figure 14. Rear Cover.Figure 15. Hydraulic Hoses.Figure 16. Lower P-clamps.Figure 17. Upper P-clamp.Figure 18. Front Cover.EJECTOR FORWARD SOLENOID REPLACEMENTFigure 1. Cover.Figure 2. Solenoid Connector.Figure 4. Ejector Forward Solenoid.Figure 5. O-rings.Figure 6. O-rings.Figure 7. Ejector Forward Solenoid.Figure 9. Solenoid Connector.Figure 10. Cover.