The function of the Offset Disk Harrow is to break up the ground, and turn under and incorporate
residue and trash into the top soil. It is also used for leveling rough plowed ground and pulverizing
lumps and clods in preparing seed bed.
Other uses include incorporation of Farm Chemicals, Construction, Road Bed preparation, Lime
stabilization projects, and plowing fire lanes for fire protection in reforestation projects.
The Offset Disk Harrows covered by this Manual will cut up to 9" depth, depending on the soil
conditions and proper setting.
Penetration of a disk harrow is obtained by angling the disk. The angle necessary for good work
depends upon the conditions (or texture) of the soil and the amount of trash to be cut. On this disk
harrow provision is made for angling the disk for maximum penetration which is obtained at an angle
of approximately 23 degrees. When harrow is properly set for existing conditions and pulled at
normal speed, the plowed ground should be fairly level.