OFFSETTING THE HARROW: The harrow drawbar may be adjusted so the left tractor wheel can be run in the furrow if
that is desirable. Or the left hand tractor wheel may be operated to the right of this furrow, or uncut ground, by making
the compensating adjustment on the harrow drawbar. The fields may be laid out so right turns are made by lifting the
harrow out of the ground before making the turn.
When the harrow is adjusted so it disks in an extreme left offset position, the front gang will assume a much greater
angle (with respect to forward travel) than the rear gang. The rear gang will have a relatively small angle with respect to
forward travel.
The small angle of the rear gang makes it more difficult to fill the dead furrow, but the condition can be corrected by
using a rear gang adjustment. Usually, the rear gang will have to be shifted to the left.
In general, when making a left offset, attempt to keep the amount of offset as small as possible.
The following points are important to remember when offsetting the harrow:
Offsetting to the left increases the angle of the front gang and decreases the angle of the rear gang.
Offsetting to the right decreases the angle of the front gang and increases the angle of the rear gang.