Reconnect PE airduct
hose to port marked TO
PROT ENT on filter unit
airflow valve. Open all
i n t e r c o n n e c t i n g doors
between vans 1, 2, 3,
and 4. Reconnect plug
P5 to J5 at PDUs on vans
1 and 4. Repeat
Replace cable A.
Compartment Control Module
Reconnect PE airduct
Feed Thru
Elec/Pneu Feed Thru
hose to port marked TO
Power Distribution Unit
PROT ENT on filter unit
Protective Entrance
airflow valve. Open all
interconnecting doors
Test Point
between vans 1, 2, 3,
and 4. Reconnect plug
P5 to J5 at PDUs on vans
1 and 4. Repeat
Replace cable B.
Reconnect PE airduct
Reconnect PE airduct
hose to port marked TO
hose to port marked TO
PROT ENT on filter unit
PROT ENT on filter unit
airflow valve. Open all
airflow valve. Open all
interconnecting doors
interconnecting doors
between vans 1, 2, 3,
between vans 1, 2, 3,
and 4. Reconnect plug
and 4. Reconnect plug
P5 to J5 at PDUs on vans
P5 to J5 at PDUs on vans
1 and 4. Repeat
1 and 4. Repeat