TM 3-4240-309-20&P
Perform checks and services in the order listed before you perform functional testing
Table 2-1. Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (PMCS) Semiannual Schedule
Item to be Inspected
M87 Gas-Particulate
Filter Unit
Housing Unit
Inspect instruction plates. You must be able to read them. Replace plates if
Inspect outside surfaces for rust, chipped paint, or bare metal on painted surfaces.
Make sure that all parts are secure and that there is no loose or missing hardware.
Tighten loose hardware. Replace missing hardware.
Main fan assembly
Inspect cable assembly for bare wires, broken insulation, or broken connector.
Inspect unit for loose or missing mounting hardware. Tighten loose hardware.
control module
Replace missing hardware.
Inspect warning plate. Warning plate must be legible. Replace plate if necessary.
Inspect unit for loose or missing mounting hardware. Tighten loose hardware.
Power distribution
Replace missing hardware.
Inspect for damaged or missing electrical covers. Replace power distribution unit
DO NOT throw away damaged or unusable filters
a s ordinary trash.
D O turn in damaged or unusable filters to
y o u r hazardous waste management office or
D e f e n s e Reutilization and Marketing Office
Inspect housing seal and inner cover seal for cracks, rips, hardening, etc. Replace
Airflow valve
Inspect valve for damage and loose mounting hardware. Replace missing
mounting hardware. Replace damaged airflow valve (p. 2-119).
M 10 Protective
Inspect instruction plates. Instruction plates must be legible. Replace plate if
Inspect outside surface for chipped paint or bare metal on painted surfaces.
Make sure that all parts are secure and that there is no loose or missing hardware.
Tighten loose hardware (p. 2-83). Replace missing hardware.
Change 1