TM 9-4940-568-343-52 3-15. BOOM MID SECTION AND TELESCOPIC CYLINDER REPLACEMENT/ADJUSTMENT (Continued)(3) Loosen jam nut (7) on setscrew (8).(4) Loosen setscrew (8) at outer end ofboom base section (6).WARNINGTo prevent personal injury, ex-treme care must be taken to prop-erly handle heavy overhead ob-jects. Make sure all slings andstraps are safe to use and are se-cured properly. Make sure thereare no obstacles in the way. Keepclear of all suspended loads.(5) Attach lifting device and guide line toboom mid section (9) and telescopiccylinder (3).(6) With help from assistant, remove boommid section (9) and telescopic cylinder(3) from boom base section (6).(7) With help from assistant, remove screw(10) and cylinder retainer bar (11) fromboom mid section (9).(8) Attach lifting device to telescopiccylinder (3) and remove telescopiccylinder (3) from boom mid section (9).NOTENote position of wear pads (12and 14) prior to removal toensure proper installation.(9) Remove two wear pads (12) from outerend of boom base section (6).
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